Hijerarhija metafora: Kaskade metafora

Glosirano ime Cascade metaphors
Opis Kaskada je hijerarhijski organizirana konceptualna kombinacija predodžbenih shema, okvira i metafora koja se rabi toliko često da se ustalila kao jedinstven složen entitet, iako se njegovi djelovi i dalje pojavljuju i zasebno. (Oana David, George Lakoff, Elise Stickles (2016) Cascades in metaphor and grammar: A case study of metaphors in the gun debate. Constructions and Frames 8(2), 2016)
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Slobodni tekst The notion of a cascade builds on the observation made in frame semantics that frames are bundles of coherent roles dynamically related to one another (Fillmore 1976, 1982; Ruppenhofer et al. 2016), and in conceptual metaphor theory that metaphors are essentially bundles of mappings across frames that occur within domains (Lakoff & Johnson 1980). (Oana David, George Lakoff, Elise Stickles (2016) Cascades in metaphor and grammar: A case study of metaphors in the gun debate. Constructions and Frames 8(2), 2016)
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